Immigration status

If you are a Permanent Resident, Provincial Nominee, Canadian Citizen, and refugee, you need to provide us with the following:

Permanent Resident

If you are a Permanent Resident, you need to provide us with your PR card or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence.

Sample of Document Number on Confirmation of Permanent Residence letterSample of Canadian Permanent Resident Card

Immigration Status / Provincial Nominee

If you are a Provincial Nominee, you need to provide us with your Provincial Nominee Acceptance letter.

Sample Nomination Approval Letter from Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Immigration Status / Canadian Citizen

If you are a Canadian citizen, you need to provide us with your Canadian Citizenship Certificate or your Canadian Passport.

Image of a Canadian Citizenship CertificateSample of Canadian Passport Identification

Immigration Status / Refugee

If you are a Convention Refugee / Protected Person, you need to provide us with your Notice of Decision and if applicable your PR Card.

Sample of Notice of Decision from Refugee Protection DivisionSample of Canadian Permanent Resident Card