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Career planning resources to help you succeed in Canada

New to Canada and wondering how to gain meaningful employment opportunities?

Get free access to professional training guides, information on accreditation requirements, financial planning tools, and job search tips. We provide everything that you will need to get started and achieve career success in a new country.

Career Success GuideGet Accredited in CanadaTrending JobsChange Your Career

Skilled Immigrant Career Success Guide

Our Skilled Immigrant Career Success Guide breaks down some of the major challenges faced by skilled immigrants in Canada and provides strategic advice designed with your needs in mind. Navigate the Canadian labour market with valuable career success checklists and exercises.

In support of skilled immigrants on their journey, Windmill Microlending has created the Skilled Immigrant Career Success Guide. In this comprehensive, free online Guide, newcomers can access topics ranging from explanations of career loans to the importance of mentorship and networking. Enhance your ability to achieve career success within Canada.

Focus areas: education credentials, financial planning, career skills and job search preparation.

Tips to acquire educational credentials, benefits of going back to school, and educational opportunities

Information on budgeting, types of loans from different institutions, and Windmill’s loan for training and licensing costs

The benefits of communication and other soft skills, mentorship, and professional association

Frameworks for creating a winning resumé, effective virtual interviews, and networking techniques

Get accredited in Canada

For internationally-trained professionals, the process of obtaining recognition and accreditation in Canada can seem complex. Our free Educational Pathways guide helps you navigate the quickest and most cost-effective route to returning to your chosen field.

Immigrating to Canada in hopes of pursuing your career ambitions is a big deal, so it can be disappointing to realize employers may not recognize the education or certification you brought from your home country.

The steps you need to consider to get licensed or accredited are different for each profession and vary from province-to-province. Whether you’re a dentist, truck driver or lawyer, Windmill’s Educational Pathways can help you understand what steps to take to get back to your profession here in Canada.

Select your profession below to download the education pathway right for you.

Overview of educational requirements and steps for accreditation

Links to provincial or territorial licensing organizations

Salary information and job descriptions for professions in Canada

Program costs and approximate training periods

Free downloadable guides for your chosen profession

Business Data Analyst

If you are an internationally-trained data analyst or are interested in pursuing data analysis as a career in Canada, there are numerous education pathways you can explore to advance your skills and knowledge and make yourself more competitive in the Canadian job market. Download Windmill’s Business Data Analyst Educational Pathway to learn more about the steps you can take to succeed in this in-demand occupation.

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Career Change Guide

Our Career Change Guide is a valuable resource packed with a career change checklist, transition tips, links to supporting resources and organizations, and advice from newcomers who have successfully made a career switch.

  • 1 in 5 working Canadians is considering a career change in the near future.
  • 3 in 5 Canadian immigrants are dissatisfied with their current employment opportunities.
  • 24% of Canadian workers say they are less satisfied with their current jobs.

A recent study of working Canadians found nine out of ten who changed careers or sectors were much happier after their switch. For immigrants and refugees, the decision to change careers can be complex as you weigh the financial risks, opportunities, and challenges related to establishing yourself in a new organization, role, or industry. Windmill Microlending’s Career Change Navigator has the answers and will help you successfully complete your career transition with proven success strategies.

  • Strategies to help you determine if it’s time for a career change
  • Tips to guide you through the development of your professional skills
  • Questions to ask yourself before pursuing education, accreditation or professional development
  • A career change checklist

Learn more about credential assessment

Before you invest in an educational program, do your research into credential assessment or equivalence services to determine your educational pathway in Canada. Some national or provincial regulatory organizations (or associated organizations) require this as part of their licensing processes.

Windmill works with several partners who provide comprehensive information about credentialing, training, and learning institutions that support the career and education outcomes of immigrants and refugees in Canada.

Explore key information about credentialing from two of our trusted partners.